April 7 2 Samuel 4-7 & Matthew 1:1-17
Today is my brother’s birthday. I am very grateful for his presence in my life. God's blessing on your birthday Brother! David (oh by...
April 6 2 Samuel 1-3 & 1 Cor. 16
King David a faithfulness and a sense of integrity that is befitting a king for Judah and Israel. We hear that nobleness throughout the...
April 5 1 Samuel 26-31 & 1 Cor. 15
Do you trust in the Lord or yourself? In the end, Saul could not or would not trust the Lord. His armor bearer would not take his...
April 4 1 Samuel 21-25 & 1 Cor. 14
In all this drama is a shining light to see David stand up in 1 Sam 22:20-23 and take responsibility for his bad decision. Again, David...
April 3 1 Samuel 18-20 & 1 Corinthians 13
It is not easy to trust God, Saul didn’t, and it was to his demise. Then with David’s rise in favor of the people, he becomes jealous. ...
April 2 1 Samuel 15-17 & 1 Cor. 12:12-31
Words about you that you do not want to hear from God, “I regret…” Saul did not listen or follow what the Lord asked of him. He thought...
April 1 1 Samuel 11-14 & 1 Cor 12:1-11
1 Sam. 12:24-25, “But you must fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart, for you have seen the great things the LORD...
March 31 1 Samuel 8-10 & 1 Cor. 11
Having been an active child (a kind way of saying troublesome at least at times), it is not easy to parent children. You can give the...
March 30 1 Samuel 5-7 & 1 Cor. 10
The God of Israel is God alone you shall not have strange gods before you. Dagon is no match for the God of Israel. The Ark had a...
March 29 1 Samuel 3-4 & 1 Cor. 9:19-27
“Speak Lord your servant is listening!” Samuel’s words in 1 Samuel 3:9 our good words for us today! It is so easy not to listen, when...